Dimitar ‘Miki’ Dosev // Competent Crew / Day Skipper Navigation / Round Ireland Cruise 2020

I`d like to share a little bit of my most recent adventure and self-discovery trough out the lockdown. It started many,many years ago,I must of been about 5-6years old when with my family we’ll go in the Bulgarian mountains for some trekking. I use to pull the barks of the Pine trees- like big chunks and later with a small knife I’ll drift in my dream and build a boat. With a Mast in the middle and two strings going forward and back. Non of my parents or as far as I know ancestors have anything to do with sea/oceans. When back at school in class of Arts there were two paintings I’d draw (Im not great at painting) one is Mountains ,the other one was small sand island with palm tree and a boat next to it with a big sunset. I have no idea how it got in to my head…. When I grew up a little had the chance to work on cruise liners in the Carrabien and cruise all over the world. I didn’t sail the boat, but many nights use to go on deck 7 right on the nose and stare at the stars look at the endless horizon. It all felt like home,as If I was a pirate or some explorer years ago… until this summer. It all started with two weeks of zoom classes on shore base skipper, than out at the lake learning competent crew, after flying the spinnaker until there was an opportunity to do a tour around Ireland.

Here I’d like to thank

Dave O’Connor


Seanie Jo Flynn

for their incredible support and encouragement all the way. The tuition I received from

Wild West Sailing

gave me confidence and self believe to a stage now I’m saving for a boat and dreaming…..dreaming to Sail first from Strandhill to

Malkata Tekila:)

,than all the way to New Zealand. It gives me shivers. In my short life I had the gift to live and experience dreams, unthinkable dreams : Living on a tropical island in the South Pacific, sitting night time on a top of a dune in Sahara desert, touring all over New Zealand and few more. How much is enough? and how far is too far…let’s find out. All this is not possible without true and only few friends, family and lots of hard work. Enjoy the ride.
