Challenge Yourself

Challenge Yourself

Round IRL Voyage

Round IRL Voyage

Round IRL Voyage
Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced

9 days, 750NM: €1800

Follow the May ’23 Round IRL blog by Jonathan McGuiness!

Round Ireland September 2023. Exceptional!! I will remember this experience for the rest of my days! Big seas, calm seas, lots of wind, no wind, amazing islands, pristine coastlines, basking shark, bioluminescence and dolphins swimming in it in the pitch dark, the Skelligs at night, starry skies, shooting stars under full sails, tidal gates, tuskar rock, the fastnet, we saw it all! Extremely knowledgeable and sound skipper (Paddy) and first mate (Jonathan), delivered as much friendly and informal learning as you can handle, whenever you want it, all on one beast of a sea-going vessel! I met and shared the adventure with a truly wonderful bunch of like-minded folks, that were like family by the end of the voyage. A true bucket-list experience!! If you haven’t gone, book it and go! Epic adventure!!

John MacDonald.

More Reviews >>>

Sail a Performance Yacht around Ireland this summer!

…the IDEAL Big Birthday Adventure!

If you want adventure and good craic on a fast boat, this is the voyage for you.

Learn Yachtmaster Theory in practice, build QUALITY sea-miles, see what a delivery or offshore race is really like and complete qualifying passages for your RYA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Exam.

Challenge yourself to experience the Irish coast and wildlife like never before, set the bar higher

FREE WWS & “Lynx” Branded Fleece.

Skills You’ll Learn
Delivery & Race Skipper Skills
Advanced Tidal & Passage Planning
Night Sailing
Night Navigation & Chart Plotter use
Engine Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Practical Spinnaker Management
Advanced Helming Techniques, up & downwind

Try our Round Ireland Voyage before booking the Fastnet, Round Ireland or Clipper Races & see if you have what it takes!

Coastal Skipper Certificate available for experienced candidates

Coastal Skipper Experience Required 15 days, 2 days as skipper, 300 miles, 8 night hours, Navigation to Yachtmaster Level