Pro surfer turned sailor with a passion for food and the voice of an angel. Meet Ronan Wild West Sailings SSE Round Ireland Race crew member, we call him “the full package”.


Ronan Oertzen 

What’s your job/profession?

I was a pro surfer until recently and now I’m company director in my own business and trimmer on Lynx for the SSE Round Ireland Race.

Who is someone you admire, and why?

David Attambra because of his unwavering dedication to preserving the Earth and his values. 

Tell me three pet peeves.

Untidy individuals.  People who take advantage of others. When you don’t put my tools back where you found them.

What’s a good day like for you?

Get up walk across the beach to the bar and have media con tomate with a few mates, while checking the surf. Hoping to catch a few waves and then grab a second breakfast. Go out on my mate’s boat to a cove, and chill there for a while and do a bit of snorkeling. Head back and set up the barbecue on the beach and cook up a feed with a few drinks. Then fall into bed. 

Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about or maybe would prefer not to know about :)

I’ve recorded an album.

If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be?


Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?

An Engineer always had a soft spot for combustion engines. Mainly taking them apart since it’s a lot easier than putting them back together.

If we went to happy hour, what would you order?

Cuba libre brings back some epic memories and helps me make more.

Name three words that describe you.

Reliable, honest, and hates the cold.

What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

Too many things to mention but a major one would be getting one step closer to building my business which is a surf camp in Donegal.

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?

Surfing, sailing, playing music, and just spending time with my mates and family.

What would be your personal motto?

A tope o nada  (full or nothing) 

What inspired you to do the SSE race around Ireland?

The only way to become a better sailor is to sail with better sailors, that is what the SSE Round Ireland Race is all about for me.

Stay tuned to the Wild West Sailing social media channels and keep track of how we progress through the SSE Round Ireland Race.