On his travels and going with the flow, meet Dale who found himself getting roped into the Wild West Sailing SSE Yacht Race Around Ireland Crew.


Dale Patterson

What’s your job/profession?

I own an Engineering/Import/Export company that enables me to do a bunch of sailing.

Who is someone you admire, and why?

A friend who unfortunately passed away, he knew who was and didn’t care what people thought of him. There was a valuable lesson in not caring too much about what others think.

Tell me three pet peeves.

People who aren’t on time just kill me, really the only thing that rips my shorts.

What’s a typical day like for you?

I check the weather, then I shop for boats, then I check the markets, then I shop for smaller boats.

Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about or maybe would prefer not to know about?

I can snore I’m told.

If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be?

Anywhere warm.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I wanted to build boats, mission accomplished.

If we went to happy hour, what would you order?

3 Dark and stormy thanks.

Name three words that describe you.

A competent quiet sometimes Idiot.

What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

I’d like to make it home to New Zealand.

What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?

I like to do a bit of cooking and a bit of gardening when I’m able.

What would be your personal motto?

Be the change you want to see in the world.

What inspired you to do the SSE yacht race around Ireland.

Not inspired but rather told it would be amazing and it probably will be.

Follow the Wild West sailing social media channels to stay up to date on how we are doing on the SSE Yacht Race Around Ireland.