Smart Skipper

Smart Skipper




7 Days: €690

Round IRL with Wild West Sailing

Advanced Shorebased Navigation

Quality & Fun Instruction from an Experienced Skipper

Some of the highlights of this course are the advanced Weather Forecasting, Running Fix, Using Radar for Pilotage, Advanced GPS System use & Planning Passages around Tidal Gates…for us, its about learning…not just passing an exam!

This is an intensive course covering advanced navigation techniques, meteorology & advanced forecasting & advanced GPS Navigation all of which build towards Coastal Passage Planning using the A.P.E.M. model. These topics will be examined during the Yachtmaster Practical with each student producing a 60NM Passage to be quizzed on…can’t wait!

The RYA Yachtmaster / Coastal Skipper Navigation course builds on the knowledge gained on the shorebased Day Skipper course.
We recommend revising 4 areas of the Day Skipper Navigation course if you have done it or something similar.

  • Collision Regulations – Know your Vessel Lights, Sounds & Shapes.
  • Tidal Stream Set & Drift – Have a system to work out Tidal Stream info from Diamonds & Atlas.
  • Estimated Position & Course-to-Steer – Make sure you understand the difference between the techniques.
  • Tidal Curves – Be comfortable doing Standard Port Tidal Curves.

Check out our WWS YouTube Navigation Playlist for some good “how to” vids & look at the course structure below.

What you will learn

1 Zoom Session | 12 Classroom Sessions

Week 1

Session 1 – Charts & Buoyage | Publications | Pilotage

Session 2 – Tidal Theory & Streams | Collision Regulations (IRPCS)

Session 3 – Magnetic Variation | Position Fixing

Session 4 – DR & EP | Day & Night Pilotage

Session 5 – (Online via Zoom) Meteorology & Forecasting

Week 2

Session 6 – Electronic Navigation | Advanced GPS Use

Session 7 – Radar | Safety Systems (AIS – EPIRB – Navtex)

Session 8 – Course to Steer | Safety, Stability & Seamanship

Session 9 – Tidal Heights, Tidal Curve & Secondary Ports

Week 3

Session 10 – Coastal Passage Planning – A.P.E.M. (Direct Preparation for Yachtmaster Practical)

Session 11 – Navigation Exam

Session 12 – Collision Regulations Exam (IRPCS)

Check out our REVIEWS & see what our Clients say about us!

What else will I need to bring?

You will need a Portland Plotter & Dividers

You can buy these from
1. Galway Maritime in Galway
2. Sunset Watersports in Sligo
3. Marine Parts in Dublin

You will also need – Pencils, rubber, sharpener, pens, notebook, rough work paper, calculator.

We supply your Yachtmaster Packs which contain…

RYA Training Charts & Almanac
Yachtmaster Navigation textbook
Course Questions

Yachtmaster Offshore Practical Requirements

Yachtmaster Coastal Practical Requirements